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The FLAG1 Java Applet
This example shows the parameters available for flag1.class:
<APPLET code="flag1.class" width=440 height=48>
<PARAM name="FONT" value="ARIAL">
<PARAM name="SIZE" value="32">
<PARAM name="DELAY" value="50">
<PARAM name="TEXT" value="Thomas Hövel Software">
Enter text for browsers that do not support Java above the
</APPLET> line and behind alt=:
<APPLET code="flag1.class" width=440 height=48 alt="*
Willkommen * Welcome * Bienvenue *">
<PARAM name="FONT" value="ARIAL">
<PARAM name="SIZE" value="20">
<PARAM name="DELAY" value="50">
<PARAM name="TEXT" value="Willkommen * Welcome * Bienvenue">
* Willkommen * Welcome * Bienvenue *
How to use:
- <APPLET>: Defines the applet (code=) and the size of the window; optionally you
can specify a codebase (codebase=) if the applet is stored at a different site.
- Parameter FONT: Select the Font Family (eg Helvetica or Arial, TimesRoman, Courier)
Parameter SIZE: Size of the font - should be significantly smaller than the window size to
allow space for jumping letters!
- Parameter DELAY: Delay between animations in milliseconds - 50 is a good value for
smooth animations, use 100 or 150 for slow animations
- Parameter TEXT: Contains the text you want to show!
- flag2.class allows to specify the background color!
- flag3.class allows to specify the alternating foreground colors.
New Parameters for flag2.class
- Parameter BACKGROUNDCOLOR: specifies the background color (default: black)
New Parameters for flag3.class
- Parameter COLORSTEPS: Specifies the number of steps of transition between both
foreground colors..
- Parameter TEXTCOLOR1R, TEXTCOLOR1G, TEXTCOLOR1B: Specify the foreground color at the
start of a cycle (red, green, and blue component, each between 0 and 255).
- Parameter TEXTCOLOR2R, TEXTCOLOR2G, TEXTCOLOR2B: Specify the foreground color at the end
of a cycle (red, green, and blue component, each between 0 and 255).
Instructions to download the JAVA Applets.
© Thomas Hövel Software, August 25, 2002 [Imprint]